Ayam Kampus

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tentang Aku

Halo... CowoK And CeweK !!
Namaku Icha
Aku Masih Kuliah Di ... (Rahasia Donk)
Umurku 21
Ciri-Ciri Tinggi 167 Bra 34b Seksi, Putih, Dan Yang Pasti Memuaskan
HeHe... Aku Suka ML Loch !
Ya... Sekalian Itung2 Cari Tambahan
Tarifku Gak Mahal Koq, Karna Aku Bukan Sekedar Cari Duit Juga
Karna Aku Suka ML
ST : 200rb
LT : 900rb

Kalo Kalian Mau ML Sama Aku, Kalian Bisa Call Aku
No HP Ku Ada Di Blog Ini... Cuma Aku Sembunyikan Di Blog Ini
Buat Menghindari Orang-Orang Iseng Yang Bisanya Cuma MisCall2 Doank
Padahal Gak Punya Duit Buat Booking.
Kalo Dah Dapet Langsung Call Aja, Nanti Kita Janjian !

Venus Eclipses Mars

Women are public faces for corporation to individual. They work as a bridge between world outside and organization they work for.

Small business to large corporate hour’s, Government department to NGO, nobody can ignore the role of “personal Relationship (PR)” in developing a good image among its constituency. PR makes them look good. It presents their best part of profile. So times, they do damage control. They keep the memory of organization press in public mind.

Crux of the story is PR is an integral part of a business. But do you know majority of PR executives are women. Ever wondered why?

Men may be more logical and sensible, but women are good at persuasion. Get the below facts.

1.Women are instinctively homemakers, handling the travails of life and living. They are more emotional, which play a big part in persuasion.
2.They are great at using better words to express themselves. Here they win hands down. Any part of life is governed by proper selection of effective language and words. Women quite easily win over men in this part of life.
3.The ability to communicate effectively with clients, perceive their requirement and limitations, are aspects on which women excels.
4.Women presence instill trust and sincerity among the clients and people interacting. Which encourages confidence building, sharing information openly?
5.Women are more open to any idea than men. They keep their mind open for any challenging idea or adverse attributes. They are more flexible in accommodating the new ideas.
6.Men are usually goal-centric. They are after a agenda more or less. In this process they may tend to become more and more hard taskmaster which is essentially no-no in PR profession of soft skills and accommodating attitude.

Women out do men in almost any kind of human interaction. People may say that their feminity play a major role over that. But let those people keep complaining. Venus has eclipsed Mars already.